Carpet 101

Misconceptions, Interesting Facts and Tall Tales

Courtney Cramer Courtney Cramer

About You

Somehow, you’re in charge of carpet cleaning at “The Company”. You don’t know how that happened… but it did. This means that you see every dirty spot and hear every negative carpet comment. The spill in the break room… comments from your boss… and fellow workers… the smell… It’s all on you, and you are beginning to FEEL it!

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Courtney Cramer Courtney Cramer

About Them

Think back to your last carpet cleaning… How did the carpet smell How long did your carpet LOOK clean after your people came back to work How long before spots or spills showed up?

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Courtney Cramer Courtney Cramer

About The Non-Believers

You see, traditional carpet cleaners don’t want you to know any of this. Why? BECAUSE THEY SELL CARPET CLEANING! Their product/service is to clean your carpet, so naturally, they want it to get dirty again. They need you to keep coming back to them to clean the carpet over and over again.

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